The Heroic archive VII Is a collection of seven short adventures for The black eye, lead the heroes in various regions of Aventuria. Six adventures come from the popular heroic series, while the seventh was written exclusively for the Ulisses Con season 2023. Each adventure was supplemented by the authors and additional material.
From mystical secrets in the depths of the south to gripping dramas in the silly island world to the rough widths of the nives - the anthology offers adventures for every hero group.
Prayer to the depth: Secrets of past era under the waves of the Kap Brabak.
A forgotten mine: A dispute over the right of shearing in the red sickle demands diplomatic skill.
Puppet show: Conspirators, nobles and magicians in Mirham - everything for a mysterious statuette.
Wolf heart: A call for help from a Nivesendorf puts the heroes on the trail of a prophecy.
The trove: An Aventurian opera evening with tragic twists and rahjas grace.
The curse of the naval esters: The search for a child on the islands of Sarbernia reveals scary truths.
Frivel monitor: An order of the churches of Praios and Rahja leads the heroes against wild magic.