The Heroic Archive III combines seven gripping group adventures for The black eye, lead the heroes through a wide variety of regions and even times of Aventuria. Six of the adventures come from the popular heroic series, while the seventh was developed exclusively for this band. Author comments and additional material enrich every adventure and offer deeper insights.
Researched Maraskan's fatal jungle, puts you the dangers of the Mhanadi Delta, or experience the political turmoil in the Horas Empire. From dark shadowlands to nostalgic retro adventures such as Return to the forest without return - There is something for every group here.
Adventure scope: 7 Short adventure for 3–5 heroes
Places: Maraskan, Horasreich, Shadowland, Tulamidland and more
Experience of the heroes: experience until masterly
Required regulations: DSA basic rule, Aventurian Almanach
Including: Cards, plans, values and handouts