You there! Yes, exactly you! So you've discovered this ancient work of delicate madness.
Are you longing to combine exquisite cuisine and ultimate cosmic horror?
It's possible, and everything you need to ensure that nothing goes wrong when performing the rites... er... recipes is in your hands: the Necronomnomnom.
Some intuition has led you to this treasure of a book so that you can recognize the dark culinary truths within.
What horrifies the eye may delight the stomach. In these pages, you'll find the instructions to perform fifty ancient rites that can conjure up anything from strangely familiar cocktails like the Gin & Miskatonic to the most gruesome and hideous desserts like The Ring That Must Not Be.
In this cursed volume you'll find recipes that are as multicultural as they are multidimensional, malicious and delicious, for cooks of every façon and state of mind. You will laugh manically at the encounter between obscure literature from centuries past and delicacies that have never before been conjured up in a mortal kitchen. You will cook boldly, and the Necronomnomnom will guide you ... what could possibly go wrong?
As much fun as deciphering this tome is, devouring the offerings is just as satisfying. This book will haunt your bookshelf, your dungeon or your kitchen!
176 pages
21.7 x 30.5 cm